Monday, July 5, 2010

Rainbow Orchid Fanart

It's Rainbow Orchid day! Whoop! I'm very excited about it, as you can read HERE!

Congratulations, Garen!



  1. I've been Lorenzo'd! Thanks my good man - that's very awesome indeed :-)

  2. I hope you don't mind, I added your marvellous drawing to my fan art page :-)

  3. Wonderful tribute by Lorenzo and what a lovely book. I received my copy of The Rainbow Orchid Volume Two on Saturday and it's truly breathtaking.

    Congratulations Garen!

  4. Hey Garen! No probs, really enjoyed doing it! Very proud to be on your fan art page too! Cheers!

    Cheers Richard! Yes, that book is rather good, isn't it?


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