Monday, February 28, 2011

Captain Powerchord and stampiness

A quick mention of a couple of things I've been doing recently (besides The Rainbow Orchid volume 3 ... it is coming, I promise!).

Firstly, I've been posting up some old comics that you might enjoy - the short, funny (?) adventures of Captain Powerchord which appeared in the entertainments guide 5D back in 1994-96. As well as the strips there are posters, a fun page and even a History of Rock'n'Roll board game!

Secondly, last week Royal Mail released their newest set of stamps, these having the theme of British musicals and including my 2005 design of the poster for Return to the Forbidden Planet. More info and pics here.


  1. Absolutely AWESOME Garen! Love those old strips, and there can surely be nothing cooler than appearing on a stamp! SERIOUS ENVY! Great work as ever, sir!!!


  2. Thanks, Lorenzo :-) Don't be envious, you're in The Dandy!


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